International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications


Title: The design and development of Geoinformation Flood Simulation Program 1 (GFSP-1) flood hydrodynamic model

Author/s: Ugonna C. Nkwunonwo

Author's Profile:

Dr. Ugonna Nkwunonwo holds a B.Sc and Master's degrees in Geoinformatics and Surveying, from the University of Nigeria, and PhD, which is in earth and environmental sciences, from the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom (UK). His PhD, part of which is reported in this monograph explored the means to meet the challenges of flood risk assessment in data poor localities, with particular reference to flood risk management in Lagos, Nigeria. Within this momentous study, a new flood simulation schema, GFSP-1, was developed and validated. GIS tools and techniques were sufficiently used to analyse and process air-borne samples of large-scale LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) topographic datasets, produce maps of social vulnerability to pluvial flooding in Lagos, and maps of flood hazard respectively for Lagos and Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Ugonna has lectured in various universities in the United Kingdom, and is currently with the department of Geoinformatics and Surveying, University of Nigeria. His present research interests encompass a range of themes within the fields of African scientific studies, geosciences, earth and environmental studies. He is also researching multi-hazard assessment and modelling, vulnerability assessment, urban heat, renewable energy, tourism and the application of risk assessment techniques, sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS), remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS), cinema, films and social media data for natural hazard assessment, and application of geospatial data infrastructure in the study of contemporary environmental issues.

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