International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Effect of NPK on Physico- Chemical Parameters of Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) cv. White Prosperity
      Chouhan, Preeti; Vidhya Sankar M. and Vijay Rathor
Abstract: It can be concluded from the investigation that the application of N, P, K and their interaction significantly improves the physiological as well as bio-chemical parameters in gladiolus. The application of N2P¬2K2 (4.5:2.7:2.25 g/plant) was observed to be the best in respect of vase life of spike, earliest first flower bud appearance, number of florets per spike and longest vase life of spike and highest nitrogen content in leaves. The application of N2P¬2K1 (4.5:2.7:1.8 g/plant) was found to be the best in respect of longest duration of flowering, the maximum number of spikes per plant, maximum length of spike, maximum diameter of florets, maximum length of florets, the maximum chlorophyll content in leaves, anthocyanin content in petals and potassium content in leaves and N2P¬1K1 (4.5:1.8:1.8 g/plant) was found to be the best in respect of high phosphorus content in leaves.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Chouhan, Preeti; Vidhya Sankar M. and Vijay Rathor (2018); Effect of NPK on Physico- Chemical Parameters of Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) cv. White Prosperity; Int J Sci Res Publ 4(12) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-1214.php?rp=P363495
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