International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Evaluation of Influence of Socio-economic Factors on Utilization of Selected Information and Communication Technologies for Extension Training among Extension Agents of Southwestern States, Nigeria
      Akintonde J.O., Akinola J.O., Akintaro O.S., Oladipo S.O., Oladosu I.O. and Ogunwale A.B.
Abstract: The relevance of ICT to agricultural production cannot be over emphasized. Its application has leads to drastic increase in the level of food production among crop farmers as a result of their constant exposure to extension training on improved production technologies through the extension agents via different ICTs. This study therefore evaluated the influence of socio-economic factors on utilization of selected ICTs for extension training among extension agents of Southwestern States, Nigeria. Those factors influencing ICTs utilization were identified. Multistage sampling technique was employed to select Two-hundred and Eighty-seven EAs for the study. Data was collected with structured questionnaire and was analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistical tools.

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Akintonde J.O., Akinola J.O., Akintaro O.S., Oladipo S.O., Oladosu I.O. and Ogunwale A.B. (2021); Evaluation of Influence of Socio-economic Factors on Utilization of Selected Information and Communication Technologies for Extension Training among Extension Agents of Southwestern States, Nigeria; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 11(9) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.11.09.2021.p11741
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