International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2019 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

The Nexus of Drought Tolerant Crops and Food and Nutrition Security Among Smallholder Farmers In Kerio Valley, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
      Kipyego, R & Mugalavai, V.K
Abstract: With the global population expected to reach over 9 billion by 2050, there will be a continuous need to increase food production and buffer stocks to meet the growing demand and efficiently cope with volatilities in food production and prices (UNDP, 2015). In Kenya, around 3.4 million people in Arid and Semi-Arid areas are severely food insecure and droughts have historically been a serious constraint to agricultural production in rain fed agricultural systems resulting in significant reductions in both yields and area cultivated thus impacting negatively on rural livelihoods and food security (FAO, 2016).

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Kipyego, R & Mugalavai, V.K (2019); The Nexus of Drought Tolerant Crops and Food and Nutrition Security Among Smallholder Farmers In Kerio Valley, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 9(9) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.9.09.2019.p9354
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