International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

A Study of Cytological Evaluation of Bronchial Washing and Brushing In Bronchogenic Carcinoma
      Dr Anupam Sarma, Dr J. D. Sharma, Dr C. Bhuyan, Dr A. C. Kataki, Dr R. A. Sangma
Abstract: Bronchogenic carcinoma is undoubtedly one of the major killer diseases worldwide. Pulmonary cytology is a simple and resourceful method of early diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma. The use of bronchoscope has increased the variety of diagnostic specimen obtainable and extended the scope of cyto-pathology. We carried out a study to demonstrate the value of cytological examination of bronchial brushing and washing in diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma in our settings. 69 patients of clinically and radiologically suspected brochogenic carcinoma attending the Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute (Guwahati) as well as in Dept. of Pathology, Gauhati Medical College and hospital were selected for one year. Out of total 69 cases bronchial brushing carried out in 42 cases and bronchial washing carried out in 27 cases. In bronchial brushing cytology a positive diagnosis of malignancy was established in 30 cases (71.43%) and in bronchial washing diagnosis of malignancy was found in 8 cases. Bronchoscopic biopsy was successfully done in 40 cases and histopathological diagnosis of malignancy was made in 29 cases. Out of 29 cases of carcinoma confirmed by histology, cytology was consistent in 26 cases. The bronchial cytology revealed sensitivity (89.96%), specificity (90.9%), positive predictive rate (96.3%), accuracy (90%), false negative rate (10.34%) and false positive rate (9.1%). During the bronchoscopic procedure there was no major complication or fatality. Thus bronchial brushing and washing has firmly established its role in the early diagnosis of brochogenic carcinoma because it is safe, rapid and cost –effective and importantly gives a higher rate of sensitivity and accuracy.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Dr Anupam Sarma, Dr J. D. Sharma, Dr C. Bhuyan, Dr A. C. Kataki, Dr R. A. Sangma (2018); A Study of Cytological Evaluation of Bronchial Washing and Brushing In Bronchogenic Carcinoma; Int J Sci Res Publ 3(8) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0813.php?rp=P201587
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