International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2020 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Comparing Local Item Dependency from Inter-Item Correlation Matrix and Principal Component Analysis from Factor Analysis for Dimensionality of Multidimensional Dataset
      BUSARI, Yusuf Taiwo, BUSARI, Kehinde Sulaiman
Abstract: This study compared the Local Item Dependency from Inter-Item Correlation Matrix and Principal Component Analysis from Factor Analysis for Dimensionality of Multidimensional Dataset. Exploratory research design was adopted for the study. A representative sample of six hundred (600) students were systematically sampled from Twelve (12) schools that participated in the study through multi-stage sampling technique. 2013 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) Financial Accounting Objective test items was adopted as instrument for the study.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

BUSARI, Yusuf Taiwo, BUSARI, Kehinde Sulaiman (2020); Comparing Local Item Dependency from Inter-Item Correlation Matrix and Principal Component Analysis from Factor Analysis for Dimensionality of Multidimensional Dataset; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 10(07) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.10.07.2020.p10332
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