International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Enhancement of Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem by use of Discrete Logarithmics
      Arghya Ray, Santhoshi Bhat
Abstract: The Merkle-Hellman invented in 1978 is based on the superincreasing subset problem. Ralph Merkle and Martin Hellman used the subset problem to create a cryptosystem to encrypt data. A super-increasing knapsack vector s is created and the super-increasing property is hidden by creating a second vector M by modular multiplication and permutation. The vector M is the public key of the cryptosystem and s is used to decrypt the message. This paper demonstrates how to strengthen the encrypted message being sent by use of discrete logarithmics so that only the intended recipient of the message is able to decipher the message.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Arghya Ray, Santhoshi Bhat (2018); Enhancement of Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem by use of Discrete Logarithmics; Int J Sci Res Publ 3(4) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0413.php?rp=P161010
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