International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Usage of Oobleck as a Packaging Material
      Hari Narayanan Soundararajan, Eidur Agustsson, René Alexander Díaz Martinez, Andreas Westergren, José Luis González-Conde Pérez
Abstract: Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid made of cornstarch and water, easily made and biodegradable. The aim of this research article is to evaluate the performance of Oobleck as a packaging material and compare it with Polyethylene, the most common packaging material in use today. To compile this article, a review of literature in the field of packaging material was done, leading to the design and realization of a simple experiment to make a comparison. The result indicates that Oobleck may possess better packaging shielding than the conventional methods of packaging.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Hari Narayanan Soundararajan, Eidur Agustsson, René Alexander Díaz Martinez, Andreas Westergren, José Luis González-Conde Pérez (2018); Usage of Oobleck as a Packaging Material; Int J Sci Res Publ 3(3) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0313.php?rp=P15884
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