International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Comparative efficiency of five potash and phosphate solubilizing bacteria and their key enzymes useful for enhancing and improvement of soil fertility
      Sajidmohammad A Saiyad, Dr. Yogeshvari K Jhala, Dr. R. V. Vyas
Abstract: Series of experiments were carried out to investigate K mobilization and their abilities of native KMB & P solubilization and their abilities of native PMB. Total five isolates showed their prominent efficiency of K mobilization & P mobilization. Among five isolates two best cultures were PBA16 Bacillus coagulans & M29 Bacillus megaterium for PSB and almost all five in same range for KMB. P solubilizing index was carried out in Sperber & Aleksandrov agar media supplemented with ROCK phosphate and Tri- calcium phosphate (TCP). ,PBA16 gave 4.60 solubilizing index and maximum P release 36.69 at µg/ml in 6 DAI supplemented with TCP and 68.80 µg/ml in 6 DAI supplemented with Rock phosphate. All KMB isolates exhibited acid production in media with tolerate wide range of pH concentration In mass production, all five cultures showed well growth in Sperber, Aleksandrov & Phytate media after 5 to 6 day after incubation. Their colonies were round or irregular, white and their shape was rod and motile. They were capable of dissolving both phosphate and potassium and PBA16 & M29 strains had high phosphate and potassium dissolution capacity effectively. All five cultures for KMB & PSB strains were characterized through morphological, physiological characteristics and their enzymatic activity.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):

Sajidmohammad A Saiyad, Dr. Yogeshvari K Jhala, Dr. R. V. Vyas (2018); Comparative efficiency of five potash and phosphate solubilizing bacteria and their key enzymes useful for enhancing and improvement of soil fertility; Int J Sci Res Publ 5(2) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0215.php?rp=P383666
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