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Teaching History with 100 Objects

Teaching History with 100 Objects may be funded by the United Kingdom's Department of Education, but the resources available on the website will be useful to educators the world over. The 100 objects in question consist of historically significant Irish posters, English canons, Chinese tea pots, Viking scales, and many other fascinating objects. The site can be scouted in a number of convenient ways. Readers can search by topics, dates, places, or themes, or simply select an image from the homepage to get started. Each object is accompanied by a brief annotation, as well as additional categories, such as About the object, A bigger picture, Teaching ideas, and For the Classroom. Each category is packed with information, ideas, and suggestions for bringing history to life.[--SAMPLE RECORD--]
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Source The Scout Report: Volume 21, Number 4 (January 30, 2015)
Rights Trustees of the British Museum
Date Of Record Creation 2015-04-30 14:44:04
Date Of Record Release 2015-04-30 14:41:59
Date Last Modified 2015-04-30 16:42:02

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